Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bad Habits Die Hard

The Compound Effect by Darren HardyGreat minds unanimously declare that success is a result of habits. I have definitely read it a lot of times, but not until recently have I been more aware of many wasteful patterns I go through everyday. Here are some of them:

1. Watching TV for at least 2 hours everyday.
2. Spending at least an hour in the internet reading news/gossip or watching videos that don't contribute to my goals.
3. Eating junk food instead of healthy alternatives.

I realize how these bad habits formed over the years have created a compound effect in my life. I can only imagine how a lot different my life would have been had I used those hours in more useful endeavors (like reviewing and fine tuning my Life Goals instead, or learning a skill that could increase my income).

But awareness is one thing, and actually getting rid of these bad habits is another. I look back this past week and I can say I still spent considerable amount of time repeating the patterns already imprinted in my subconscious.

Sprouts can easily be pulled off the ground, but huge oak trees with deep roots...

I'll give myself credit though, I've started turning around. And like what Darren Hardy would say, it need not be a big change done one time . One simple step done repeatedly over time will surely have its compound effect.

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